Hi there visitors or readers Lovethingy.com was born for a lot of reasons but most and the top reason was about me and my life experience. Most website owners do or make websites that are in a way relates to them or interest them.It was 2005 when i bought lovethingy for the purpose of creating a website that will be the center for teen , married people , happy and sad persons to write the story of their life , their love story. Some of us ended with a happy story but most of us ended in a sad way.
memories that you think you need to write and share. I will always remember the name of the girl , though i cant remember what it used to feel. This lovethingy.com is legacy of my past teen years, i am a bit old now but i can still remember the past. Sooner of later you might think its not worthy to remember your past , but its not good , cause its like saying today is not important also. Lovethingy.com is for you and for people who wants to share ideas or advices to help you have a better love life , take care and i hope you will end up in a happy way.
Troubled teen with sad stories . Troubled teen Looking for help , we are here to give advice to troubled teens. Teens Girls that are pregnant or teen boys with drug abuse problem and alcohol drinking problem. You write your stories here so we can give advice to your individual problems. Love Problems are also welcome. If you are having behavioral problem or being pressured by your teen peers. Share any problems that troubles you. Parents are welcome to give advice or write their troubled child problem.
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